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Gintaras Didziapetris    
  A Hint, 2008

Gintaras Didzšiapetris is an artist living in Vilnius. He has been invited to exhibit at Het Gebouw as an agent who would indirectly bring the practice of the author of the exhibition venue, Stanley Brouwn, to “Master Humphrey’s Clock”. The invitation parallels the one that has resulted in the construction of the venue itself, and is based on a pattern of Didzšiapetris' own practice that often draws from other artists’ work. The artist’s proposal, though unmarked by any other visual means in the venue, has from the very beginning started shaping the rest of the exhibition. During the show it is only perceivable through the selection of other artworks. Expressing his interest in open works and structures rather than closed ones, Didzšiapetris has chosen to delay providing more information about his proposal until the publishing of “Index”, the second publication of “Master Humphrey’s Clock”, which will register all of the exhibiting artists’ works.